Courier User Interface from Gizmodo on Vimeo.
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Dear Microsoft,
Your recent trend of making products that look actually kind of good has been confusing me. I was surprised enough that your Xbox line has done so well. It's had it's flaws (as I expected), but you've managed to turn it into a good multimedia and gaming system.
Then there was Windows 7. A surprisingly enjoyable and workable operating system. Coming from you guys. This has made me even more confused.
And then the ZuneHD. This device has actually made me utter the sentence "I want a Zune." I'm not really sure what to do with myself.
That being said, I would like to kindly ask you to completely bork this project. It's not that I want you to fail. I mean, I do. Someone's gotta be the villain in this story, and being the big guy, the role works for you. But this product looks enjoyable, useful, innovative, and bloody friggin' cool. If only for a certain subset of users, which I could actually maybe be part of.
So, please. Screw this up.
I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to call myself a Microsoft fan.
jah, tegemist on prototüübiga, mis ilmselt iial sellisel kujul ilmavalgust ei näe. kurat teab, kas selline asi reaalselt üldse eksisteerib. but i must say these kind of gadgets give me serious geekboner.